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Hi There!

I'm hooked on telling stories through candid & curated moments - specifically love stories & telling them as beautifully as I know how.

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Why Films?

Hailing from Kansas City, Missouri

a summer camp called Eagle Lake moved me out of the midwest about 7 years ago. On staff as a Program Director turned Graphic Designer turned general resident Creative, my sweet spot became meeting new people and documenting stories of life change at camp. I was buying camera equipment to make camp recruitment videos and volunteered to film a friends wedding - low and behold,  I got hooked and here we are.

I Love Weddings!

Recently married on Aug 6th, 2022, it's been EVEN more fun to film weddings knowing all the pieces that come together to make them happen! Many would be date nights turned into business meetings, catering quotes, venue searching, and wedding color picking. We make it a BIG deal, because it is - but it's also simply a celebration of two people starting a new adventure together with a big hug from friends and family.

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What's Different



Stories & Service.

I believe weddings are a story, not a show. I grew up watching wedding films that captured emotions of the day - sound bites, the crackling of a fire, laughs with friends - it's different to relive those moments than to slap a fast song over some clips. Many wedding videographers offer what ends up looking like a promotional video - it's clean, the shots are great, but you don't experience the emotion that the real moment had everyone in. That's what Lizzie Studio's comes to capture for keeps and share back with you. 

I am a stop to pick up the trash person...

Not because I am so great, but because Jesus first served me and teaches me how. So, I am looking for ways to make your day run smother, calmer, and more joyfully. You can expect a peaceful person behind the camera there to cheer you on! 

(P.S. I do dress better for your wedding than the picture to the left. Hah!)

Think we'd be friends?

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